Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend To Want You Back

About 90% of the guys out there who want to get their ex girlfriend back will make the mistake of hounding their ex with calls and message asking to get back. Some will even beg and profusely apologize for the mistakes that they did, thinking that she will accept their apology and come running back into their arms.
The truth however is far from it. Apologizing or repeatedly asking your ex girlfriend to get back with you will drastically reduce the chances of her ever getting back with you. In fact, the more you apologize or try to make peace with her, the more she will be convinced about breaking up with you.

This happens due to a couple of reasons. First of all, your girlfriend will not like the fact that you don’t respect a break up. Women hate to be disrespected and this is no exception. Secondly, your constant pleading and apologizing will make you a whiny, needy person in her eyes. Women look for confidence and strength in a man and will be put off by your desperate behavior.

If you read the title of this article, you will see that it reads “how to get your ex girlfriend to want you back” and not “how to get your ex girlfriend back”. There is a difference between the two. You might think it is impossible to make you girlfriend want to get you back when in fact that is easier to achieve than you getting back with her.

If you are still confused about it, you need not be because this is based on a theory that a lot of people do not know about. It is called the principles of reverse psychology or indirect efforts. You have to understand that your ex girlfriend has already fallen for your charms before and you can definitely make it happen again. However, this is going to require some changes on your part. You have obviously changed a little bit since you first met her which is what has caused the break up. Try to think about what you can change in yourself to make her attractive to you again. In most cases, it will be fairly obvious and implementing the changes will actually make you a better person in general.

Once you have noticed your shortcomings and changed yourself for the better, present your new self to her in an indirect manner. This is where indirect efforts will work. Don’t make it obvious by asking her out. Instead, try to mingle with her socially using opportunities where you can make it look like you just happened to run into her. For example, you might know that she hangs out at a common friend’s place. Speak to that friend and make yourself available at his or her place when you ex girlfriend will also be there.

Once you are with her, act in a casual manner and be friendly with her without trying to give her the impression that you are trying to get back with her. This is where the theory of indirect efforts will kick in. She will see the changes in you and she will also be amused by the fact that you are doing well without her which will plant the seed of attraction in her. Though she might not express it immediately, she will definitely give you signs that she is interested in you again. Just be patient and play along and you will be surprised when she expresses her desire to get back with you after some time has gone by.  And now you know how to get your ex girlfriend to want you back.

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